
Monday, May 31, 2010

401k and IRA Rollovers Provide Tax-Free Business Start-Up Funding (Does this sound to good to be true?)

Have you heard of Rollovers for Business Startups or ROBS? It sounds like a great idea, except for one small problem which I will get to in a minute. With ROBS, you use a 401(k) or IRA distribution to fund a new business and avoid taxes and penalties on 401(k) or IRA distributions. The idea is to form a new corporation, set up a new 401(k), rollover the funds into the new 401(k), and then use the funds to purchase stock in the new corporation.

Sounds like a great idea doesn’t it? Here is the small problem I mentioned earlier. The IRS is examining these plans, and in October 2008 even issued a memo saying that some of these plans may violate tax law. The plans may also violate some rules affecting pensions, so the IRS and Department of Labor are working together.

Read this article posted on the Tax Prof Blog for more details.

401k and IRA Rollovers Provide Tax-Free Business Start-Up Funding

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