
Monday, June 28, 2010

Re-post from Sysomos Blog: Why Corporate Social Media Fails

Here's a blog post that I thought was interesting. The post reviews two obvious problems, lack of planning and inadequate resources. It then describes a few other less obvious issues. Certainly the lack of decent content is a problem, but how many companies think about all of the implications of social media. The final item, "The failure to build relationships" is an observation that makes the entire post worth reading.

Social media works well when companies use it to build relationships. Companies that use help encourage customer conversations are successful. Companies that think that Facebook or Twitter are simply innovative billboards are not. Check out the post. Why Corporate Social Media Fails

By the way, this post is an interesting example of the effect of social media. I read a status update on Linked In that referred to this post. The update was also shared on Twitter. The update was from a person that once worked for a not-for-profit where I had been a volunteer. However, I connected with her originally because she was the sister of a respected co-worker. It is a small world, and social media makes it smaller.

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